Thursday, September 25, 2008

Brothers & Sisters,
As was announced last week, this coming Sunday will be our last MAC meting for a while. As well, it was announced that we would talk about what direction we would like to take on Wednesday nights, i.e., how to maximize our time, moving our meeting time to 6:00 p.m. instead of 7:00, offering up several separate tracks for members to choose from (such as: deep theological study track, kids programs, beginners/new members track, life skills track [computer skills, health, quilting, etc.], service tracks). Very positive comments have come in concerning our meeting Sunday. Specifically, the ability to confront an issue that is confronting us; doing it in an open, honest way, and doing it looking at the biblical and traditional issues involved, distinguishing between the two. That is a process that many would like to see continue on a regular basis, at least for a while.

There are still many areas of our corporate identity and activities that need focused attention and conversation, like our conversation on the Lord's Supper last Sunday. In fact, that discussion was really far from exhaustive; many other nuances and facets of our communion process could use some more light and fresh air, such as, is it a solemn quiet event focused on death, or is it intended to be a celebration of Life and Victory? Can it only be observed on Sundays or anytime the assembly is together in praise and fellowship? Must we be quiet and prayerful, or can it be joined to music and celebration focused on the power and victory of resurrection? Should it be, or can it be attached to a fellowship meal/love feast? These are all issues that many have said they would like answers to, or at least a focused conversation about. Even more relevant is the reality that this is just one aspect of our corporately shared lives. What about all the other aspects of our community life and outreach? Is it not time for deliberate conversation about these things as well?

With that in mind, we would like to move our discussion of these matters to Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m. where we will continue examining them one by one, from both a scriptural and practical standpoint. Most expressed a desire to keep Wednesday nights in place, yet few attend. Our hope is that this is a way that will encourage those of you not attending to attend and assist us in making the determinations that will empower us toward growth and effectiveness. Your voice is solicited and needed. As well, one of our members has offered to pay for an outside childcare person to be available so that parents can be involved. This will be the sole focus of our MAC meeting Sunday. Once this is decided we can adjourn and enjoy our fellowship and the wedding shower for Lance Preston.