Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's hard to believe, but we are quickly approaching the ending of another year. It seems like yesterday that we were sweating the ominous apocalypse of Y2K and the year 2000, and here we are, almost a decade has come and gone since then. In one of the articles I sent from Montana, I joked about Einstein's theory of relativity being about how time speeds up as we get older. Well...I'm convinced now that I was pretty sharp (or maybe just lucky), and on to something. Good grief...Time flies! And, with the growing cognizance of time's flight, comes the exponentially growing awareness of our need to redeem the time. As I shared in my last email on "Thanksgiving," this year (08) brought so much good our way that it's hard to catalog. Well, this time of year always puts me to thinking about, and assessing what has come and what is coming with the new year. There are many horizons out there that seem fairly bleak and dark, like the economic and geopolitical landscapes. However, what looms on the horizon for the Family of God is, I believe, as bright and optimistic as can be. Perhaps, we will see a direct correlation between the growing brightness of our opportunities and the ever increasing challenges economically, geopolitically and societally.
One Thing of which we can be certain - that of which I am certain - is that the many good things we are enjoying, the growth we see happening is the result of you and your willingness to dream, to challenge yourselves, to step outside of your boxes and see what God can do. I am more convinced than ever that God loves dreamers! The only danger for us is that often times, dreamers scare and intimidate us; another "box" we need to step out of. Rather than being frightened by the aggressive dreamers among us, let them inspire you to embrace your own dream - that down-deep, aspirational vision, that you have allowed to stay buried far to long. What happens when that dream is freed?
  • Young men and their families (without permission even :-) decide that one week a month we would look so much better in overalls, and the next thing you know, hearts and homes are loved, ministered to and healed.
  • An older member takes the pain of his loss and establishes a memorial fund that blesses others in need.
  • A Board of Directors decides we have to invest in our vision and outreach, and low-and-behold an FPU program is put in place bringing visitors to us, has opened intimate dialog among us and is producing disciplined change in the lives of those attending that will benefit our family for years to come.
  • Another young man steps up and says that I have skills that will enhance the technical capabilities of our new media system, the one put in place by the vision and hard work of senior members who saw the need for putting tools for growth in place. Now information, congregational life, beautiful images, praise and inspiration grace our assemblies every week.
  • Our ladies gather and say this congregation could use a "ladies touch" and viola, a schedule and assignments are in place for the day to day things that make a church family really shine; the things that often go unheralded until you don't have them.
  • More ladies gather in something resembling a football huddle in the fellowship hall and the next thing you know bright beautiful blankets are being assembled by loving hands, to be given to shelter children that wonder why their little worlds are like those on TV; blankets that rap them in a message of warmth and love.
  • A community says "we need you" and a cadre of military like servants assemble in line and love and serve soup to less fortunate and often broken lives that a world often forgets, but who are loved as much by their God as we are.
  • The needs of our children are raised and:
    • Tirelessly...often thanklessly, Bible school teachers fulfill their other life obligations, yet still find the time, year after year to prepare, pray for and pour themselves into our children, with love that no reward is worthy of.
    • We say our children need color and life and the artistic among us paint mind blowing murals, put up beautiful displays, donate TVs, buy videos, learn songs and watch as the smiles and self-worth of our precious little ones grow exponentially.
    • Another new member thinks this should be a friendly, accommodating place for community youth. Next thing you know Cub Scouts know we're a friendly place for them to come, play and learn.
    • Many say we need an age appropriate worship experience for our kids, the next thing you know, a sister, past the "little ones stage" says "I'll take care of all the snacks," grown men are putting furry animals on their hands and making silly sounds, others...not in the shape to do so, are standing in front of those same children leading them in songs and making karate kicks. So many others, ever present, here-there-everywhere, helping...!
    • A young woman steps up and says "if no one else wants to, I'll organize, orchestrate and shepherd this so that it succeeds." Then she invests countless hours, money and forays to the church building to work, that usually only the preacher sees. What's the result? An assembly of grumpy adults, smiling so hard their faces are breaking, because they are seeing one of the greatest demonstrations of worship they've ever seen in the eyes, voices and hearts of children, and a fellowship hall is transformed into a tropical "fruits of the Spirit Market" where the Spirit of God is tasted with a ripened flavor perhaps not experienced for some time, if ever. And...AND... a lone, somewhat less than ripe pineapple causes otherwise financially responsible adults to spend $600 to start a fund for this same WEE WORSHIP program. I can't wait to see what she has in mind for our Christmas program. All the while she trys to stay in the background and seeks no personal recognition...but alas we see and recognize what she does.
  • A call is raised for new ways of gathering, celebrating, fellowshipping and worshipping. What happens? The first annual, of many firsts and annuals, is put together...A Fall Festival. Games, face painting, cakes coming out of our ears, grown senior saints dancing (aaaaahhhhh!) around a cake walk table (it wasn't a pretty site. Then again... it was beautiful!), horses, bunnies everywhere, a jumpy-house thing, hamburgers & hotdogs, and a young woman who brought her band and beautiful voice and led us in worship, reminding us that unused talents in our members is a terrible thing, not to be tolerated anymore.
  • Everywhere, signs of are popping up and threatening to bless us and bring growth.
Did I miss something? A category? A dream? A person? Undoubtedly! Because there are so many wonderful things happening. Know this however, your works are seen, felt and appreciated. I am most concerned with any category I have overlooked that immediately jumps out at you. Why? Your ability to see with clarity what I have missed is more than likely tied to Your "deep-down dream." You know which one! The one God sowed in your heart and has allowed to lie dormant waiting for the right conditions to bloom. That time has come. Your dreams are wanted. Your gifts solicited. Help us see what we are missing in you!
We are growing. New families and individuals are joining us. More are coming. Do you know why? All of the above! Mostly, because of YOU...God's family...THE FAMILY OF GOD! How blessed Paula and I are to serve with you along with the many whose lives through the years have blessed us.
With Everlasting Love and Devotion

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dear Family of God,
Wow! What a year so far! Truly, we have much to be thankful for. Together, we have seen so much progress, we have implemented a careful and strategic plan and pattern for change, all the while ensuring all voices are heard and all perspectives carefully considered. Perhaps the greatest reward for me-that for which I am probably most thankful-would be the evidence on faces, in voices and in the congregational atmosphere that shouts out, "dreaming is allowed - gifts are solicited - participation is encouraged." Have you seen it? Its showing up everywhere:
  • In joy-filled assemblies and worship!
  • In the beautiful cacophony and bedlam of dozens of little voices in our assemblies, most of whom weren't here a year ago!
  • In the faces of dozens of little "wee worshipers" being given a culture of praise!
  • In the faces of parents who are beginning to believe that we genuinely care about them and their children!
  • In the faces of adults working with them reminding us, "what good is it if we don't pass it on?".
  • In the lives and actions of those same parents who were challenged by the older members to step-up and make this a kid-friendly place; well, by-george, they have! And they're planning more!
  • In a celebration of Christian life called the "First Annual Fall Festival" - with a whole bunch of other first's being imagined and planned! Yea!
  • In the fact that we had musical instruments, in worship, on the grounds and the world didn't end! ;-) Come gotta laugh!
  • In all the new faces that have joined our family - some who used to be here and have returned to us - many who are new; all who are here because a vision is growing and being shared, that God is doing something special here! Faces that convict us that we really do have something here to share - something that can touch and change lives. Thank You!
  • In the faces of Seniors whose homes and hearts have been ministered to and loved.
  • In a "sticktuative-sticktogetherative-compassionative" (Martha - I'm an English teacher's nightmare) handling of challenges that will always confront bold visionary faith-life!
  • In the willingness to give an eccentric, rather-less-than-traditional preacher/pastor a place to give voice and experiment to that which hasn't been tried much! I HOPE THAT YOU SEE THE LOVE AND APPRECIATION IN HIS FACE. IF NOT, ASK HIM...HE'LL TELL YOU!
  • In the burgeoning eccentricities of others who are saying things like: "You know, I've always wondered about..." or "I wonder if someday we might be able to try..." or "I'm really starting to ask myself what God wants of me here; does God have a place for my gifts?" This is the stuff that leads to explosive growth .
Well, on and on I could go! I wanted you all to know, that regardless of all the challenges that I/we face, I believe that I/we are blessed beyond measure. Specifically, I want you to know that I have never worked with better people, nor felt more love than here with you. Jack Scott is very Thankful for the Family of God, in Ardmore!
I Love You Brethren

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fall Festival

Hey Guys!! Preparation for the Fall Festival is underway! This year, we will have activities for everyone and opportunities for everyone to be involved. The Festival is scheduled for November 8th from 3pm - 6pm. Here are the activities that are planned so far:

Christian Band - Broken (
Cookout (Hamburgers/Hotdogs)
Horse Rides
Moon Bounce
Bobbin' for Apples
Face Painting
Duck Pond
Cake Walk
Redneck Golf

If you would like to be involved and haven't let me know already, please post your comments or Email me at I am really excited about this and I know that everyone that comes will have a great time!!

Wednesday MAC Meeting Report

Family of God
We had a wonderful meeting last night; the spirit of everyone participating was exemplary and the results were tremendous. There are many exciting things to report coming out of our meeting. The following items were discussed and decided upon:
  1. Wednesday night assembly status and time. We will continue our Wed. assembly but the time will be changed to 6:00 p.m. instead of 7:00, giving parents of small ones a chance to come and still get their kids in bed early enough.
  2. The last Wed. of every month will be family movie & fun night: family oriented movies, games, popcorn, snacks, blankets, pillows - FUN! Vanessa McNeill will coordinate this event, so process your movie requests through her (remember FAMILY movies).
  3. Restructuring of our Wed. assembly:
    • Advanced Study track. Jack will continue to teach an advanced class on various biblical texts.
    • Beginners/New Members track. Jack will prepare a syllabus of materials for a rotating and ongoing class for new members and beginners. The purpose of this track will be three-fold: First, to thoroughly introduce new and prospective members to the Family of God - who we are-our structure and culture as a congregation. Second, to provide a complete introduction to what we believe. Third, to help them understand what is expected of all of our family members, i.e., finding and applying their gifts within our family. Once the materials have been prepared, Grant Jackson will start off teaching this class.
    • Kids track. We will begin planning for and implementing a Wed. children's program. The function will be to creatively and in a fun way instruct our kids. Joe Maple and Jennifer Laird will lead us in this program.
    • Potential Service/Life Skills tracks. The door was left open for the development of any number of Service oriented projects (e.g. blankets for orphans, quilting, service projects for kids, etc. As well, the opportunity eventually for life-skills development tracks (e.g. computer training, CPR, etc.). It is hoped that these will be natural outgrowths of our time together and growth.
  4. For the rest of October we will meet to discuss large issues that confront us like the Lord's Supper, Music forms in Worship, Prayer, etc. These sessions are intended to be a biblical and practical discussion of what truly are the biblical issues involved, joined with an honest assessment of our traditional practices in light of what the bible actually says. If a candid discussion of these issues appeals to you then please make time to come next Wednesday night at 6:00. Remember, that child-care will be provided during this time.
So many important steps have been taken in the last year; many important changes have happened and they have brought new life, energy and growth to our family. Yes, we've faced challenges and felt disappointment, yet we are refreshed to see that God has more than replaced anything we lost with new growth. A "we can" spirit is taking over and growing daily. Members of our family are starting to dream and stretch their minds to embrace what God can do through us if we challenge ourselves and let Him work. Everyone of you have the ability and privilege of helping this family develop and become what you believe a faith community should be. What say you? Join us and be blessed to bless.
Your Brother

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Brothers & Sisters,
As was announced last week, this coming Sunday will be our last MAC meting for a while. As well, it was announced that we would talk about what direction we would like to take on Wednesday nights, i.e., how to maximize our time, moving our meeting time to 6:00 p.m. instead of 7:00, offering up several separate tracks for members to choose from (such as: deep theological study track, kids programs, beginners/new members track, life skills track [computer skills, health, quilting, etc.], service tracks). Very positive comments have come in concerning our meeting Sunday. Specifically, the ability to confront an issue that is confronting us; doing it in an open, honest way, and doing it looking at the biblical and traditional issues involved, distinguishing between the two. That is a process that many would like to see continue on a regular basis, at least for a while.

There are still many areas of our corporate identity and activities that need focused attention and conversation, like our conversation on the Lord's Supper last Sunday. In fact, that discussion was really far from exhaustive; many other nuances and facets of our communion process could use some more light and fresh air, such as, is it a solemn quiet event focused on death, or is it intended to be a celebration of Life and Victory? Can it only be observed on Sundays or anytime the assembly is together in praise and fellowship? Must we be quiet and prayerful, or can it be joined to music and celebration focused on the power and victory of resurrection? Should it be, or can it be attached to a fellowship meal/love feast? These are all issues that many have said they would like answers to, or at least a focused conversation about. Even more relevant is the reality that this is just one aspect of our corporately shared lives. What about all the other aspects of our community life and outreach? Is it not time for deliberate conversation about these things as well?

With that in mind, we would like to move our discussion of these matters to Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m. where we will continue examining them one by one, from both a scriptural and practical standpoint. Most expressed a desire to keep Wednesday nights in place, yet few attend. Our hope is that this is a way that will encourage those of you not attending to attend and assist us in making the determinations that will empower us toward growth and effectiveness. Your voice is solicited and needed. As well, one of our members has offered to pay for an outside childcare person to be available so that parents can be involved. This will be the sole focus of our MAC meeting Sunday. Once this is decided we can adjourn and enjoy our fellowship and the wedding shower for Lance Preston.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Men's Gathering

I have been discussing with Jason Phipps and others the need and potential for a men's gathering and study (By the way ladies, you can have one too). Not only that, but I have a potentially really cool place to hold it. You'd probably want to come just because of the place, even if you don't like the gathering!

What do you think? Would time together as men, young and old, be worthwhile? Is it something you'd make time for? What would you recommend for a gathering? And, most importantly, is there anyone in your sphere of influence that you could persuade to make really good snacks for said gathering? ;-)

Sound off! Tell me what you think!


What I'm Reading

I thought it might be enlightening to some, intriguing to others, helpful to a few, and a completely useless piece of information to others to know what it is that I think is worthwhile to read. I know that we have some avid readers in our family, as well as some that love some good research into the backgrounds of belief. So with that in mind I'm starting-in competition with/and what I'm sure will eclipse the Oprah Book Club-The Java With Jack Book Club.
I was reminded at a relatively recent dinner that Paula and I had at Kenny and Martha's home that a good cup of coffee and discussion of good books and the ways they enrich our lives are things hard to beat. It really reinforces the good stuff of life: time together, conversation, mental stimulation, sharing of dreams, intellectual enrichment. And it was all free (at least for Paula and me...the Collings paid for dinner. ;-).

I have wanted for sometime to start a group gathering, built around good books, that provides for the things mentioned in the previous paragraph. And as I continue to think about it, I thought I would put it out there for your comments. Is there any interest in such an idea? Would you like something like this to get involved with? It could be done entirely through email, or in a meeting get-together setting...or both. I envisioned an early morning gathering over coffee and muffins (there must be good snacks), or it could be an evening get-together (with snacks).

The books can cover a plethora of subjects and interests; it doesn't have to be just heavy theology. Parenting, marriages, relationships, name it. Fellowship, fun and lives & loves shared. Sound off! What do you think? Would you be interested? Post a comment!

While I'm waiting to hear back from you, here are some things that I'm reading that I think will challenge you. I have two books in my current rotation. First, "Jesus, The Tribulation, And The End Of The Exile" by Brant Pitre (Doctoral dissertation, heavy theology). There is some wonderful research in this book by a Catholic theologian, the purpose of which is to show that eschatology and the atonement are inseparably intertwined in the first century. A great read for those inclined to this level of study. Second, "Furious Pursuit" by Tim King & Frank Martin. This is an easy read with a fabulous message: A God who furiously pursues us, longing for relationship, in-spite of our humanity; a God to embrace not fear.

There are several others that I think would be very good reads and would serve as a great basis for discussion. There are so many rich new ways to enhance each others lives. This might be one. Sound off! What do you think?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sunday's MAC Agenda

First, let me begin by reemphasizing some things I stressed on Sunday:
  • This forum is a way to help us further discuss very important things that touch all of us.
  • This forum is a way to enhance and clarify the issues that we need to make decisions about.
  • This is primarily a way to share what is on your mind - a way of sharing your thoughts and your questions. Discussion, questions and clarification are fine as long as it is kept civil and respectful.
  • Remember, written discussions often cannot clearly express the emotional intent of the writer. So, what may be intended as humorous or teasing or "tongue-in-cheek" may be misunderstood. So, try to be clear and succinct if you choose to participate.
  • Or, you may just want to wait until our discussions on Sunday to share your thoughts, which is fine as well.
  • Finally, as the administrator I have the ability to approve what is posted, or decide not to post something. If I choose not to, I will notify you with the reasons why.
Having laid the ground-rules for our discussions, now is the time for us to identify an agenda of items that need our attention. As an assembly of believers who desire to grow and change the world we live in, we are a public organization not a secret society, therefore what we portray to the public is critical; especially in our assemblies. While it may be argued that our assemblies are primarily for the purpose of the family, they are also our public expressions of how we see ourselves and our mission in the world. Just as critical as the discussion of our "name change," and the reasoning for its relevance, is the need to look critically at our assemblies and ask, " are they as relevant to our total Mission and Vision as they should be?" In fact, this is perhaps more important than the name change, for it matters little what we call ourselves if our corporate life isn't what it should and could be. Can we be a community sensitive to the relevance of our self-description, and not be just as diligent when it comes to our public manifestations in our assemblies, knowing these are the standards people will really judge us by?

In our public representations we must model what can only be called "life-relevance." Few if any have aspirations of enhancing life with a brand new "ice-box & wringer washer" (you younger people ask someone older). Similarly, we should desire to apply the life-relevance principle to all our public gatherings. Both in small nuanced ways and even perhaps in large paradigm shifts, we have the freedom and opportunity to dream and reevaluate what we hope to accomplish and how.


With all of this in mind, our public assemblies need to be rethought. If we are to start with what would appear to have the most challenges, then our Sunday morning assembly is not where we should begin. By far, our most neglected and statistically challenged services are our Sunday and Wednesday evening assemblies. With that in mind let us direct ourselves to what we should do with these times and their formats.

1. Sunday evening:
  • continue or end?
  • more dynamic for activities, service projects, children & fellowship?
  • separate focus-group to bring back suggestions to church?
2. Wednesday evening:
  • family emphasis - kid focus?
  • earlier time - 6:00 vs. 7:00?
  • complete specialty focus, such as Financial Peace University?
  • do we wish to select other times for specialty projects.
Please give prayer and thought to these subjects and your active participation in these conversations. Failure to converse and move ahead is not an option; such will only drain the life from our family. Dreams linked to conversation lead to vision which produces dynamic growth. Please, come and be a constructive part of our families discussion on these matters.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

M.A.C. Update

Just a reminder to those who were in our MAC meeting Sunday update to those who were not able to be there. We discussed the difficulty of having good participation because of the "auditorium culture/atmosphere." We need and want good participation and conversation and most all seemed to agree that this would be easier if we switched to the fellowship hall.

Secondly, we desire to have our teachers involved as well, unless they just simply want to continue their classes and choose not to. To that end we are purchasing our license to be able to show movies in the auditorium. So all of the kids, at least those whose teacher will be in the MAC meeting, will meet in the auditorium.

Third, we agreed that this process is important and we don't want to be rushed, so we may in fact take longer than the normal class period for our discussion. For those teachers who may choose to continue their class, please be advised of this. If you desire to end your class at the normal time, then please escort the kids to the auditorium for supervision, then feel free to join us at that time.

Finally, I will try to add an agenda by tomorrow that will guide our discussion for this coming Sunday, so please check back for a look at what we will be discussing.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wee Worship Workday

We will be having a Wee Worship Workday on August 24th beginning at 2:00pm.

Wee need anyone wanting to help prepare artwork for lessons to attend this meeting.

Also, the first Wee Worship will be held on Sunday, August 31st during during Jack's sermon.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wee Worship

Please remember the organizational meeting for our children's worship time named "Wee Worship".

All those interested in this ministry should plan to meet at the church building Thursday (tomorrow), August 7th at 7 pm.

********************************************************* FOLLOWUP NOTE FROM HELEN:
The first organizational meeting for our WEE WORSHIP, was a huge success. If you were not able to attend that is okay because we are having our next meeting Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2008 @7:00 PM at the building. Please email me if you are willing to help. Don't be scared. We have a progam that is easy to implement. I need these names ASAP. We WILL have our first WEE WORSHIP the first Sunday in September. Just think of the possibilities. How cool is this going to be for our kids! We need you to be a part of this. Come on and jump on the "band wagon". WEE WORSHIP NEEDS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELEN

Backpacks Needed

The school supplies that we collected have been delivered to the YWCA Grace Center. They were very appreciative of the supplies.

They are in need of school backpacks. We were told that the Grace Center has had over 250 request for supplies and that they are constantly running out of backpacks. If you can purchase a backpack, please bring to the building and they will be delivered.


You Tube

Thought we might get a You Tube site where we can show people what goes on in our family.

Here's the link where a video slideshow is online.

Check it out! Brett

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Overall Sunday

From all reports, our first Overall Sunday was a HUGE success! Over 30 adults showed up at JoAnn Young's house ready to sweat on what we now know was NOT the hottest day of the year, while still very competitive.

A big thank you to all who helped. We carried away 5 heaping flatbed trailers full of yard debris and limbs and left behind some fresh paint and a lot of love and goodwill.

We will keep this ball rolling in August. The last Sunday is August 31. We are reviewing a couple of options for this month including Bill and Loraine Darnell's house. A scout team will evaluate what we want to accomplish this time so we can be better prepared with the right tools and equipment.

Last Sunday, Ruth Ann showed a short video of some of the action. I bet we can convince her to bring it next week for any who missed it. Photos from the first overall Sunday are available at the site Jason Phipps set up for us at...

Family Photo Album

Jason Phipps has created a Family of God photo album. To see it, click the following link...

Check here for pics of the latest fun and events from the F.O.G.
Recent announcements will also be available there, too.

Thanks, Jason! We love all the new Power Point screens with animation!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Building Bridges

(article awaiting composition)